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What size company are Agens' services and digital tools intended for?We serve companies of all sizes. Our cooperation with several Enterprise Agencies (Uusyrityskeskus) has brought solid expertise in the needs of start-ups. We support the growth of SMEs and star-ups in business law both locally and globally. We also support the operations of large corporations with several years of experience of working in significant positions in large-scale business. We serve public entities such as cities and municipalities as subcontractors. We use our digital tools ourselves and they are suitable for companies of all sizes, and also scalable for international business.
Is Agens' AI Lawyer digital tool suitable for my work in my field?AI Lawyer's document templates are good, up-to-date general business law documents that you can further develop yourself using the instructions within the text. We also offer a reasonable priced reviewing and commenting service for self-made documents. The tool also has documents for special areas in Finnish and in English. The digital negotiation, editing and e-signing space enables you to use your own documents in all languages effectively.
What kind of legal issues is the concept of Agens suitable for?We deal mostly with commercial legal matters for companies and consulting for business management. We also regularly handle the personal legal affairs of entrepreneurs and private individuals, as well as subcontracting the legal affairs of municipalities and cities, especially the drafting of various contracts as well as construction, environmental, and procurement matters.
How long does it take to start using the digital tool?We create an account for the customer in less than 5 minutes. We send all the instructions and the installation and learning itself takes less than 15 minutes. We also have usage videos to support learning how to use the tools. After that, the use is as easy as using e-mails and the digital tool has its own instructions in an easy-to-understand format.
We already have our own digital document management/e-signature in use - why do I need AI Lawyer?AI Lawyer is most importantly a secure document editing and negotiation space, including more than 460 ready-made document templates and electronic signature. You can bring own documents from your own electronic document management system and save them back there after they are completed. The digital negotiation spaces can be used separately or together during a Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet meeting with the window sharing function. It is a high-quality and clear presentation platform and meeting space for remote meetings as well.
Is previous experience in using electronic systems required to learn how to use AI Lawyer?Not necessary. The implementation of the tool is easy and instructed and can be learnt in 15 minutes. In creating the tool, we wanted to especially focus on the user-friendliness. Collaboration with Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet takes place through window sharing by leaving the selected workspace open before the start of the remote meeting. During the meeting, you can move promptly within AI Lawyer and back and forth between the negotiation space and AI Lawyer.
By ordering a license for the AI Lawyer digital tool, do I have to commit to ordering Agens legal expert services as well (or vice versa)?Not necessary. The customer may choose whether to use only legal services or only the AI Lawyer digital tool, or whether they want to combine them.
What does the price consist of?The price of legal services is formed as follows: Hourly price that always has the best price-quality ratio on the market. We are usually the most affordable in terms of expertise. As a larger work on a bid-by-bid basis or with an annual contract, considering the volumes. The price of AI Lawyer and Agens International digital tools is a monthly fee per user based on a license agreement that is valid until further notice.
Where can I get more information about your services and digital tools?On our website there is a lot of information about our services. We also publish videos on the use of our digital tools and information on current issues on the News section. Agens Ltd can also be found on LinkedIn and Facebook. We send instructions for the use of the digital tools to our license customers via email. For new customers interested in our services we offer a free of charge remote meeting on a separately and mutually agreed time.
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